Case Study

Lowering Energy Prices for DC Medical Office Building

65% Reduction in Lighting System Demand.

Asset Facts

Date Built 1986

Square Feet 113,646

Asset Type Medical Office Building

Project Facts

Annual Energy Savings 370,040 kWh

Total Annual Building Energy Savings 12.4%

Annual Cost Savings $63,803

Gross Investment $440,509

Funding Private Capital

Rebates $32,423

Rebates as % of Total Project Cost 7.36%

Net Investment $408,086

Net Payback 6.4 years

Our Solution

GreenGen collaborated with the onsite engineering team and the tenants of the building to develop a lighting solution that significantly reduced energy consumption while also increasing the aesthetics of this Class A property. The lighting solution included:

  • Comprehensive LED retrofit for interior and exterior fixtures

  • Increasing light levels and control capability of the parking garage fixtures

  • Installing occupancy sensors to limit the unnecessary use of lights when rooms are vacant

  • Installing after normal business hours to limit tenant disruption.