Energy Assessments Identify 20% Energy and Water Savings for One of the Largest Cities in America

Asset Facts
Date Built Various, up to 100 yrs old
Geographic Area 874 sq mi
Asset Type Various
Project Facts
Annual Energy Savings 30 million kWh
Annual Cost Savings $2.7 million
Gross Investment $0 with ESPC
Funding Performance Contract
Net Investment $0
Net Payback 6 years
Energy Savings >20%
Newly elected mayor wanted to identify opportunities to lower electricity and water costs while improving the city’s operational efficiency. Due to the vast geographic area that contained the city-owned buildings, special consideration was given to the proposed implementation strategy for the recommended energy conservation measures.

kWh Annually
Our Solution
GreenGen utilized a multi-faceted assessment approach to identify energy savings opportunities throughout the portfolio of buildings consisting of the following measures:
Conducted desktop review of nearly 500 assets
Conducted on-site Level I Audits of ten buildings, including the eight largest energy users, as well as representative libraries and fire stations
Engineered site-specific solutions and developed energy models
Included O&M considerations to reduce travel costs and vehicle emissions for city employees
Developed energy data portal and messaging concepts GreenGen’s solution had six principal elements that focused on utilizing controls and training, as well as equipment upgrades to reduce operating costs:
LED fixture replacements
Enhanced controls for lighting and HVAC systems
Building envelope enhancements, including solar film, windows, and roofs
Retro-commissioning of systems and controls
Low flow fixtures and faucets
Enhanced PM program integrated in city IT infrastructure