4 Ways Sustainability Affects Customer Experience

https://www.cmswire.com/customer-experience/4-ways-sustainability-affects-the-customer-experience/ Corporate Social Responsibility has taken on a greater role in the past year, as customers expect the brands they do business with to share their own values and ideals. As more people come to recognize the damage that humans have done to the earth, sustainability has become a hot-button issue. When sustainability becomes part […]

Climate Finance Regulation Presents Unique Opportunity

Lack Of U.S. Climate Finance Regulation Presents Unique Opportunity For CRE Investors This year’s Earth Day held particular importance. I didn’t need to revisit the doomsday statistics or look to signs of progress to substantiate that point. After all, measures of the efforts to mitigate and ultimately reverse anthropogenic climate change were front and center throughout the […]

AFIRE Podcast #55 Greening a Generation

Just as the pandemic has accelerated changes in culture, it has underscored the symbiosis between the built environment and the natural world. What’s the key to “greening” the next generation of commercial real estate? As industry professionals move back to the office, the dynamics of the “new normal” are kicking into high gear, including a […]