AFIRE Podcast #55 Greening a Generation

Just as the pandemic has accelerated changes in culture, it has underscored the symbiosis between the built environment and the natural world. What’s the key to “greening” the next generation of commercial real estate?

As industry professionals move back to the office, the dynamics of the “new normal” are kicking into high gear, including a renewed corporate focus on ESG strategies, actions, and intentions. Financial decisions can’t be divorced from the key principles of environment, social, and governance (ESG) standards that are increasingly central to investment decisions for commercial real estate.

In this episode of the AFIRE Podcast, Brad Dockser, CEO of Green Generation—a firm that operates globally at the intersection of energy, real estate, capital markets, and technology—discusses how real estate leaders and investors can achieve a low-carbon future—and why the future is now.

Listen now for the full episode on AppleGoogle, and Spotify.

Explore More: Read “Changing the Tides of ESG” by Brad Dockser in Summit Journal.


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